Remember in your prayers the souls of those who have passed away from our community and the family and friends they have left behind.

The obituaries listed below begin in January 2024. They are listed in the order of most recently deceased to the first listed parishioner deceased of January 2024. Please look to the Obituary Archive for older obituaries.

Scott H. Yoder

Rev. James K. Gardiner

Sr. Jane Mary Przygocki, SJ

Priscilla K. ‘Tudie’ Rulison

Nancy M. Miller

Dorothy Ann Lata

Bobbie Lee Pieczynski

Gertrude Rose Zygaj

Margaret ‘Marge’ Bromley

Mark S. Krusniak

Sylvia ‘Pat’ Tyczkowski

Marilyn J. Hansberger

Richard C. ‘Rick’ Taylor

Francis X. ‘Fritz’ Sutter

Timothy ‘Zuch’ Zuchowski

Dennis J. Russell

Ronald J. O’Hagan

Donna Mae Jankwietz

Dan ‘Jinx’ Dontz

Rev. Richard William Kropf

Rev. Msgr. James L. Brucksch

Joe W. Burke, Sr.

Alton E. ‘Bud’ Hollebeke, Jr.

Jean M. Vasquez – Updated

Kristine K. ‘Kris’ Malone

Joan M. Gamache

Jerome C. ‘Smiles’ Nowak

Mary E. ‘Liz’ Hainstock

Nettie Mae Pomerville

James J. Mielcarek

Lois R. Bigalke

Mason C. Stapley

Judith M. ‘Judy’ Skocelas

Peter J. ‘Pete’ Helminiak

Jill K. Rozmarek

Danielle ‘Dani’ Banicki

Dale G. Kowalkowski

Rose Marie Fischer

Kenneth A. Bauman

Marian F. Duchon

Andrew L. Bearss

Judith B. DuLong

Brian J. Bigalke

Helen F. VanLoon

Phyllis (Dufon) Hanna

Joyce E. Thompson

Arlene Mae Davis

Sandra A. Patulski

Kenneth B. Sielski

Carolyn Ann Karboske

Gregory A. ‘Gumps’ Gamache

Ronald L. Jud

Phyllis E. Yoder

James ‘Jim’ Martin

Sally C. Mantyck

Alan G. Verheek

Thaddeus ‘Ted’ Kubanek

Lee LaFleur

Evelyn Ann Stege

Michael A. Bromley

Nancy L. LaPorte

Sr. Mary Jo Beckett, OP

Barbara Ann Jados

Nancy A. Kuczynski

Barbara A. Bauman

Gordon J. Zielinski

Tom Jans

Charles J. ‘Chuck’ Oleniczak

Richard ‘Dick’ Najdowski

Dr. John L. Baribeau

Geraldine C. Golnick

Caroline M. ‘Carol’ Hull

Edward J. ‘Ed’ Mazeika

Patricia ‘Pat’ Walker

Rose Mary Pierson

Mary Lou Racine

Patricia M. Bradley

James G. ‘Jim’ Sinicki

Theodore ‘Ted’ Ross

Audrey Ann Jacobs

Joy M. Carlson

Steven C. Johnson

Mary Beth Bowerman

Elaine M. Adamczak

Donald J. Digna

Marcella M. ‘Marcy’ Chmielewski

Santos Garcia

Patricia L. Nowak