We welcome and rejoice with parents who present their infants and young children to the community for baptism. We want to support them in their responsibility of providing the environment in which their child can begin to feel God’s love and come to personal faith.

Our parish has the following guidelines regarding infant/child baptisms:

  • Please call 231.723.2619 to set up an appointment with Fr. James Bearss.
  • Godparents, as official representatives of the believing community, must be fully initiated (that is, have received Baptism, Confirmation, and First Eucharist), be a registered and practicing Catholic in their parish; and are in a marriage recognized by the Catholic Church.

Children over the age of 7, teens and adults who have never been baptized, or have been baptized in another faith tradition, and wish to become members of the Catholic Church go through the RCIA process, which is described under the Religious Formation tab of our website.